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Ambulatory Surgical Centre Services

All in a Day’s Work: Seamless Ambulatory Surgery for Children

No matter how routine it is, the idea of surgery – especially surgery for children – can be a concerning prospect.

 A father himself, Dr Zeng Hao Joel Wong of Paediatric Surgery and Urology International,

takes a meticulous approach in running the ambulatory surgical service. Having it together with his clinic, ensures he can maintain strict oversight and management of its processes.

Paed Surgery OT
recovery bay

Clinic and Ambulatory Surgical Centre

 As a specialist trained in paediatric general surgery and urology, Dr Wong started Paediatric Surgery and Urology International with the goal of delivering safe and effective surgery for children. Not only is the operating Theatre Ministry of Health certified, it has also attained International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) certifications, to achieve a clean room anti-sepsis standard. 

To this end, he has invested time and effort to design an integrated clinic that includes an in-house, fully accredited ambulatory surgery service. “We are an all-in-one centre. We do all the things a clinic does – and the surgery too,”



Another area that Dr Wong addresses is post-surgical after care. On the day of surgery, after the operation, most if not all, of his patients are able to return home where they can recover in the comfort of their own beds. For this to happen, Dr Wong adopts techniques and equipment so that the patient can be discharged on the same day. 


All of his patients can also reach him via instant messaging. As a doctor, he believes his duty is not just in treating conditions at a given point in time, but also in ensuring continuity of care and looking after the patient’s whole being. 


This underscores his centre’s motto of care: “Your child first.”

Insurance Coverage

The centre is also a Medisave accredited , Child Development Account and Baby Bonus Approved Institution. We provide e-filing, striving to make the financial payment process a seamless one. 

HSBC Life in Singapore


Accreditations and Certifications


  • Ministry of Health, Singapore, Licenced Ambulatory Surgical Centre Service.
  • The International Organization for Standardization, ISO 14644-1:2015(E) Certified Cleanroom Standard Operating Theatre.
  • National Environmental Balancing Bureau, United States of America, Certified Operating Theatre.

Preferred partners

  • IA International Assistance Sdn. Bhd.
  • International SOS
  • Henner 


  • There is no age limit to the patients that undergo surgery at our centre. 

  •  We have a resident doctor to manage paediatric patients post-operatively.

Our Team

All our nurses are registered nurses with the Singapore Nursing Board, with more than 30 years of experience, and 20 years of perioperative care. 

Their certifications include:

Advanced Diploma in Perioperative Nursing, 

Bachelors’ in Nursing, 

Degree in Nursing and,

Diploma in Nursing.

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