About Us
Paediatric Surgery & Urology Care

Your Child First.
We manage newborns, children and adolescents with paediatric surgery and urology conditions. Conditions such as urinary incontinence, frequency, bedwetting, tongue tie, swallowed foreign body, appendicitis, hydrocele, inguinal hernia, absent testis, phimosis, hypospadias, urinary tract infection and vesicoureteric reflux are treated with a combination of medical and surgical therapy.
Surgeries performed are for example, tongue tie release, endoscopy, laparoscopic appendicectomy, laparoscopic hernia repair, hydrocele repair, orchidopexy, circumcision, hypospadias repair, cystoscopy, and Deflux injection.
Rare conditions that have been treated are for example, pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction, penoscrotal transposition, bifid scrotum, urethra duplication, ovarian and testicular torsion, intestinal atresia, malrotation, hemangiomas, tumours, etc. For a non-exhaustive list , they are detailed under Our Services.
Our Specialist
Passionate and Dedicated
Specialist Accreditation in Paediatric Surgery (Ministry of Health Singapore, School of Postgraduate Medical Studies and Academy of Medicine).
Singapore Medical Council Certificate of Specialist Registration, Paediatric Surgery.
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Singapore),
Member of Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians (Glasgow),
Master of Medicine (Surgery) (Singapore)
Fellow of Academy of Medicine Singapore (Paediatric Surgery)
Director, Paediatric Surgeon, Paediatrics, Surgery and Urology Pte. Ltd.
Chair, Medical Advisory Committee, Ambulatory Surgical Centre, Camden Medical
Presentations and Publications
- Wong Zeng Hao. Pediatric Surgery International, Reviewer. 2025.
- Wong Zeng Hao Joel. Paediatric interlabial bleeding: More than vaginal pathology. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare. 2023 Jan;32.
- Joel Zeng Hao Wong. Paediatric Perineal Skin Pit: More than skin deep? Annals of Academy of Medicine, Singapore. 2021 Dec;50(12):926-928.
- Zeng Hao Wong. Anal Fissure. Pediatric Surgery NaT (pedsurglibrary.com), American Pediatric Surgical Association, 2020 Nov.
- Wong Zeng Hao Joel. A Once-In-A-Century Experience. SMA News Opinion 2020 Sept;18-19.
- Martin Sidler, Zeng Hao Wong, Simon Eaton, et al. Insufflation in minimally invasive surgery: is there any advantage in staying low? Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2020 Jan;26:S0022-3468(19)30889-9.
- Zeng Hao Wong, Richard Hewitt, Kate Cross, et al. Thoracoscopic Aortopexy for Symptomatic Tracheobronchomalacia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2020 Feb;55(2):229-233.
- Wong Zeng Hao, Davenport Mark. What Happens after Kasai for Biliary Atresia? A European Multicenter Survey. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2019 Feb;29(1):1-6.
- Wong Joel Zeng Hao, Lahiri Amitabha, Sebastin Sandeep Jacob, et al. Factors associated with failure of free gracilis flap in reconstruction of acute traumatic leg defects. Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery. 2016 Jun;50(3):125-9.
- Wong Zeng Hao, Chong Chee Keong, Tai BC, et al. A review of fatal road traffic accidents in Singapore from 2000 to 2004. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. 2009 Jul;38(7):594-6.
- Thoracoscopic Aortopexy for Symptomatic Tracheobronchomalacia. Conference abstract. 2019 British Association of Paediatric Surgeons / British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons 66th Annual Congress.
- Insufflation Pressure in Thoracoscopy – Is there an Advantage of Staying Low? Oral presentation. 2018 British Association of Paediatric Surgeons / British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons (BAPES) 65th Annual Congress. Awarded the 2018 BAPES Travelling Fellowship.
- Outcomes of Adolescent Morbid Obesity treated with Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG). Oral presentation. 2018 British Association of Paediatric Surgeons / British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons 65th Annual Congress.
- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Severe Obesity in Adolescents: Technique and Perioperative Risks. Conference Abstract. 2018 British Association of Paediatric Surgeons / British Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons 65th Annual Congress.
- What Happens after Kasai for Biliary Atresia? A European Multicenter Survey. Poster Presentation. 2018 European Paediatric Surgeons’ Association 19th Annual Congress.
- Elastography as a non-invasive tool for assessing fibrosis in long term survivors of paediatric liver transplantation. Oral presentation at the 2017 Joint Congress of International Liver Transplantation Society, European Liver and Intestine Transplant Association, Liver Intensive Care Group of Europe, and at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Hospital System Pitch for Funds, 2014. Awarded the 2014 Pitch for Funds Grant.
- Chronic pancreatitis secondary to pancreatic divisum treated with the Modified Puestow Procedure. Oral presentation. ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting and RACS Annual Scientific Congress, 5 – 9 May 2014.
- Outcomes of Ileocolic versus Colocolic anastomosis in resection of splenic flexure tumors. Poster presentation. 7th Biennial Congress of ASEAN Society of Colorectal Surgeons (ASCS), 2014.
- Outcomes of Stage IIIA Colorectal Cancer. Poster presentation.7th Biennial Congress of ASEAN Society of Colorectal Surgeons (ASCS), 2014.
- Children with Acute Liver Failure fulfilling the King’s College Hospital Criteria for Transplantation. Oral presentation, 8th ASEAN Congress of Paediatric Surgery 8 – 9 Nov 2013.
- Factors associated with failure of free gracilis flap in reconstruction of acute traumatic leg defects. Poster presentation. Inaugural Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Reconstructive Microsurgery, 8 – 9 Oct 2012.
- Reconstruction of the superior vena cava with polyester graft in a case of thymic carcinoma. Poster presentation. 22nd Annual Congress of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia. 5 – 18 Nov 2012.

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